6 Things to Consider When Shopping for a Floor Lamp


Floor lamps are a great way to add light in any room. They’re simple, versatile and can be used as an accent piece or an everyday fixture.

But they’re also quite expensive, so you may want to think twice before buying one. Here are 6 things to consider when shopping for floor lamps at James Said Singapore.

1.   The Height of the Shade

The shade on a floor lamp should be tall enough to cast light on the floor below it, but not so tall that it casts shadows on other furniture or people nearby. This is especially important if you have small children who may crawl around on the floor at night. The shade should also be wide enough to fully cover the area where it’s intended to be located so that no light shines through onto other areas of your home.

2.   Size

It’s important to think about the size of your space before deciding on a floor lamp. Floor lamps come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important that you find one that fits in with your decor. If you have a small apartment or home, consider a small table lamp or floor lamp. If you have more space, choose something larger.

3.   Lighting

The amount of light that comes from your new floor lamp will determine how much light it provides. A traditional floor lamp provides plenty of light because it has a bulb inside it; however if you want an LED version then look for one that has LED bulbs inside (or replace existing ones). LED bulbs tend to be brighter than traditional bulbs because they use less electricity and last longer than regular bulbs do (so there’s no need for frequent replacement).

4.   Lamp Design

The first thing to consider when shopping for a floor lamp is its design. Floor lamps come in many different styles, shapes and sizes so you can choose one that will suit the décor in your home. You may want to consider the lighting needs of your room and how the lamp will be used. For example, if you want to use your floor lamp as an accent piece in a room with low ceilings, then you’ll want something taller than it is wide so that it won’t block out any view into the room below.

5.   Weight

It’s important to consider both size and weight when shopping for a new floor lamp. Lamps come in all shapes and sizes ranging from small tabletop models to large floor-standing ones that provide ample light coverage throughout your entire living space. If you’re looking for something lightweight, then there are smaller wall-mounted lamps available that can easily be moved around your house or even carried outside if needed.

6.   Quality

Floor lamps should have a strong base that will not tip over easily and wobble when placed on uneven surfaces such as hardwood floors or carpeting. In addition, the base should be stable enough to hold up against any temperature changes or humidity changes that may occur throughout the day or year (depending on where you live).A lot of people often overlook this factor but it should not be ignored because if you want to have an elegant look in your room or office, then consider choosing a material that matches with other furnishings in your room or office space like curtains and carpets etc