6 Bad Tech Habits and How to Break Them


Can you tell if you have poor tech habits or not? Many people have bad habits in real life, like biting your nails, not signaling as you change lanes, your house is dirty, among many others. Poor habits are there among everyone, but how can people stop these tech habits for the better? If you are guilty of a bad habit, it is vital to find a way to stop it. For example, bad posture habits while using tech devices, using your laptop on the lap, touching your devices with dirty hands are some of the poor tech habits to have. Below are the worst tech-oriented habits and potential fixes for them. 

  1. Not backing up data 

Everything may be going along well as you stream the Pirate Bay for your favorite shows, and once you try out a different site with no protection, you get malware infestation or your computer crashes, or someone steals your laptop. One way you lose your data is because you did not back up. Today, the excuses for not backing up data are becoming thin. Plus, everyone has something vital on their device. So, choose a backup system from the many available that suits you to ensure you back up your data. 

  1. Not cleaning your equipment

Is your touch screen filthy full of fingerprints? It may also be our keyboard that is full of dirt and dust that makes it vulnerable to damage. Grime seeps through any crevice and crack, but machines such as laptops, printers, and desktops are most affected for they have air intake vents. Dust clogs fans, moving parts, and optical drive mechanisms leading to overheating and component failures if the fan does not work well. To fix this is simple. All you need is to clean regularly to prevent build-up. Do it once or twice a year. If it helps, add it to your calendar.  

  1. One account, multiple users
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This is a common poor tech habit with parents and their kids. Parents share their devices with the children and later wonder why their boss got ten emails full of nonsense or an important file is missing, or they cannot find the address book. It is vital to stop this habit by setting up multiple user accounts, for it is not hard to do. If you use the device more than one person, it is a prudent precaution. The privacy issues should not bother you much, for accidents happen, even among adults sharing a device. 

  1. Throwing computer equipment in the trash 

Most computer users have outdated, broken laptops or old peripherals and ancient cell phones. People do not know what to do with modems and computer equipment they no longer use. Throwing this material in the trash, they end up in landfills. If it has a circuit board or a battery, it is hazardous. Fortunately, you can recycle most junk, defunct printers, and even broken cables. Also, if there are e-waste events in your neighborhood, give them out to them. They will put them to better use for resale, reuse, or recycling.

  1. Not rebooting 

Today’s gadgets are susceptible to bugs of any kind. Also, numerous applications need reboots after they are updated or installed. Windows 10 has more reboot times. And every operating system, whether mobile or desktop, benefits from a reboot once in a while. When you reboot, your device starts afresh with no digital baggage. Plus, it helps improve your battery life. Have a specific time to reboot to make it into a routine and give your device a refresh. 

  1. Failing to update 
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If you have a lot of apps on your tablet or smartphone, you must be downloading them daily. Unless you are among the people who do not update anything, always update for software updates are released for various reasons. The developers add features, plug security holes, and fix bugs. Thus, software updates are vital to keeping the device stable, and every application needs to be updated. So the install, reboot, and repeat constant nag is vital. Automatic updates are the best. But if you do not have them on your device, opt for the manual updates.