3 Essential Health Tips for Men Over 40


If you’re approaching your forties or you are already there, you need to start paying more attention to your health. Your choices will affect how you feel right now, how fast you age, and how many complications you can expect to have to deal with as you get older. It will also affect things like your level of energy and how long you’ll be able to be in the active workforce. You do not have to turn your life upside down, however, since making a few simple adjustments to your routine could be more than enough to keep you healthy and in good shape. Let’s look at a few health tips all men over 40 should follow. 

Get a Gym Membership

You cannot afford to be lethargic and sedentary after the age of 40. You need to start looking at ways to get some exercise, and if you’re not self-motivated enough to get it from home, then you should be looking for a gym membership.

Look for a gym with a good number of classes and trainers that will teach you proper techniques. Also, ensure they will provide you with emotional support and motivation. If you live in Pittsburgh and you’re looking for a gym that ticks all the right boxes, you should check out Etage Pittsburg Gym.

Fix Your Diet

You’ll also need to be careful with what you put in your body. If you have a diet high in meats and other saturated fats, you need to switch to a healthier diet. Learn how to use fruits and vegetables in different recipes and look for lean protein options. Now is also the time to start looking at supplementation.

Men over forty tend to lack things like zinc and calcium, so you may need to look at supplements. Also, look for vitamin C, A, and E because of their antioxidant properties. Vitamin D should also be supplemented if you don’t get much sunlight, as it is the only source of vitamin D that is strong enough to get the amount you need. Vitamin D also helps maintain bone integrity, which becomes increasingly important as you age.

Get Some Sleep

You cannot neglect your sleep quality as you get older. Poor sleep hygiene is linked to many diseases and can accelerate aging. Sleep is essential for the brain; if you don’t get the proper amount of sleep now, you might deal with cognitive decline issues later.

So, make sure you build the perfect environment for sleep and get at least eight to nine hours per day. If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, try investing in blackout curtains to prevent outside light from tripping your internal clock. Stay away from screens two hours before going to bed and avoid things like alcohol and caffeine.

Men over 40 need to be especially careful with their health. If you want to make sure that you live a long and healthy life, speak with your doctor immediately, and see if they have any additional recommendations.